“Saga’s Humanitarian Commitment Towards Children”

In addition to corporate successes and ongoing efforts towards sustainability, Saga has demonstrated a tangible commitment to the well-being of children in emergency situations. In 2022, the company was mentioned in Save The Children’s social report, highlighting Saga’s significant and consistent contribution to humanitarian initiatives. Statements from Catia Garzia, administrator of Saga Srl, provide an in-depth look into the philosophy guiding the company in its commitment to the common good.

Saga’s commitment to children materializes through established collaborations with UNICEF and Save The Children. These partnerships go beyond occasional philanthropy, representing a long-term commitment to support initiatives that promote the well-being and future of children worldwide.

In the year 2022, Saga was cited in Save The Children’s social report, providing tangible recognition of the significant contribution made by the company to the organization’s initiatives. This acknowledgment underscores the positive impact of the longstanding collaboration between the Saga group and Save The Children in improving the living conditions of children worldwide.

This is the statement by Catia Garzia quoted in the document:

“Our sensitivity towards the most vulnerable has always been high, but when it comes to children, we are truly touched. We believe it is not up to us to choose who and where to help, whether they are children in war, victims of earthquakes, those suffering from hunger, or are ill. That’s why we have decided to join forces with Save The Children and give our full trust and solidarity because the organization knows where to act in emergencies, among the numerous urgent needs that the entire world requires help with.”

These words clearly reflect the deep compassion and sincere commitment of Saga towards the humanitarian cause. The choice not to discriminate among different emergencies highlights the company’s willingness to be a positive agent of change wherever needed, making a significant contribution to the missions of humanitarian organizations.

The company’s vision of boundless solidarity and trust in organizations like UNICEF and Save The Children illustrates how actively Saga is seeking to make a difference in emergency situations worldwide. This commitment is a tangible sign of Saga’s social responsibility, extending beyond its corporate role to embrace a broader vision of a world where every child has the opportunity to live a safe and fulfilling life.